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AMH 2024

Additive Manufacturing for Health Workshop

21 mars - 22 mars

Catherine Le Visage (Nantes University) and Luciano Vidal (Ecole Centrale Nantes) are very excited to announce that the 2nd Edition of the Additive Manufacturing for Health workshop will take place on March 21-22, 2024, in Nantes, France.

The workshop, funded by the MAD4AM Cluster of Excellence (, will include four internationally recognized keynote speakers (Gordon Wallace, Australia; Sandra Van Vlierberghe, Belgium; Jurgen Groll, Germany; Aldo Boccaccini, Germany), and hands-on sessions with our industrial partners. It will also allow young scientists to present their research in short talks and on posters.

This workshop will serve as a platform to bring together researchers from academia and industries. It will focus on the following topics: biomaterials for additive manufacturing, bio-inks and bioprinting, innovative processes, pharmaceutical manufacturing, medical technologies, and applications.

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